Most of the modern software, especially in the enterprise segment, is, well, terrible. It is way too complicated, has ugly and inconvenient interfaces, tends to include too many features. It can be seen anywhere: CRM & ERP systems, office suites, even development tools. If it sounds familiar it's just because it is true. Apple with iPhone and iPad, 37signals are about the only examples of those who understand the problem and work on solutions.

We started to do our part in changing the way software and services based on software are built and used. We firmly believe that software should be simple (= have only necessary features), fast, easy to use, and that any underlying complexity that allows achieving these goals should be completely hidden from the user.

Our current main project is - a simplified, down to earth and very practical solution sales process on top of which we are building tools to help you manage your sales to the corporate market. And yes, we do use both in-house.

We talk about technology side of building it in our blog. Sometimes we include ramblings on technology trends in general, startups, new (haskell) and old (lisp) cool programming languages, etc.

In case you were wondering why the superstrings reference: as they are believed to be the basic building blocks of, well, everything, they are the simplest thing possible, which is described with the most complicated math you could imagine. That's kind of what we want to achieve, on our incomparably lesser scale - build simple beautiful things with simple / complex building blocks which our users don't see or even suspect of their existence.

Well, we hope it makes at least some sense...